Our Families 



Train up a child in the way he
should go; even when he is old
he will not depart from it.


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The Scriptures are clear. When faith is fostered in a child, they are more inclined to cling to their beliefs and values as they grow older. There really is no substitute for introducing a child to Jesus and the Christian faith at an early age/stage of their life. It plants the seed for a life-long relationship between the child and their Savior, Jesus Christ.

As a church consisting of many families, OSNY places a high value on helping parents introduce their children to Jesus. We seek to create a safe, warm, compassionate and educational atmosphere for families, beginning with OS | Kids, our children’s ministry.

OS | Kids is a thriving ministry for children Pre-K through 5th grade that meets every Sunday morning during our 10:30 AM service. Children will be taught a story from the Bible, engage in exciting activities connected to the Bible story, and apply what they’ve learned in the Scriptures to their personal lives. Our Sunday School utilizes multiple teaching tools and a curriculum created specifically for the children of OSNY. The lessons are designed to accommodate various learning styles, implementing videos and multimedia elements to increase engagement as the children grow in their faith in Jesus.

In addition to our Pre-K through 5th grade group, the ministry offers a nursery room for children 0-4 years old. Parents are welcome to bring their little ones downstairs for coloring, crafts, and toy time. Supervised and cared for by an OS | Kids volunteer, the children will socialize and engage with one another while parents participate in the service.

If you have any questions regarding our children's ministry or curriculum, please email the OS | Kids Director at oskids@our-saviour.org.



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Confirmation is a practice that has been observed throughout the Church for centuries. In the LCMS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod), confirmation is considered to be an affirmation of one's baptism and faith. Our journey of faith begins with our baptism, and it continues throughout the duration of our life. Confirmation is a stepping stone in that journey that allows young adults, typically in 6th to 8th grade, to confirm their baptism and learn more about the foundations of the Christian faith as they grow both in age and spiritual maturity. This two year class meets once a week during the school year.

Confirmation is not, however, specific to teenagers; adults can also be confirmed. The lengthy and elaborate Confirmation curriculum covers a multitude of topics including the ten commandments, the sacraments, sin and grace, prayer, the literature of the bible, vocationalism, and fruits of the Spirit. This class dives deep into the roots of the Christian faith.

For more information about our Confirmation classes and when they are being given, please, reach out to Pastor Anthony at aforgione@our-saviour.org.



At OSNY, we believe that receiving the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, the true body and blood of Jesus with, in, and under the elements of bread and wine, is a major part of the Christian faith. It is provided on a weekly basis either during or after Sunday service. Based on the Scriptures, specifically the Apostle Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 11:26-27, we believe that children and adults alike should receive some level of formal instruction about Holy Communion before receiving it for the first time, lest we receive it in an "unworthy manner." In other words, we should know what it is we are eating and drinking and why we are doing so. Traditionally, this has been known throughout the Church as First Communion. At OSNY, this class is given to children anywhere from 3rd to 5th grade over the course of two weeks. However, there is no age limit on receiving instruction on the Lord's Supper. All who are unfamiliar with what this holy meal means and consists of are encouraged to sign up for a First Communion class.

Please, reach out to Pastor Anthony at aforgione@our-saviour.org for more information.